Mountain Healing

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Welcome to Mountain Healing, a sanctuary for self-care and  rejuvenation nestled in the WV mountains. 

We are dedicated to providing cutting-edge therapies to support your mental well-being. At our clinic, we recognize that traditional approaches to mental health care may not always be sufficient, which is why we offer Ketamine therapy as part of our comprehensive treatment options.

Ketamine-assisted therapy is a groundbreaking approach that has shown promising results in the treatment of various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain. 


Rapid Relief: Ketamine can provide rapid relief from symptoms of depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. Unlike traditional antidepressants, which may take weeks to show effects, ketamine can often produce results within hours or days.

Alternative Treatment: For individuals who haven't responded well to other treatments or medications, ketamine therapy can offer a new option. It's particularly promising for treatment-resistant depression.

Neuroplasticity: Ketamine has been found to promote neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to adapt and form new neural connections. This can potentially help in rewiring the brain's pathways associated with mood regulation and pain perception.

Pain Management: Ketamine's analgesic properties make it effective for managing chronic pain conditions such as neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). It works by blocking certain pain receptors in the brain and spinal cord.

Low Risk of Addiction: Compared to opioids, ketamine has a lower risk of addiction and dependence. This makes it a safer option for long-term pain management, especially in individuals with a history of substance abuse.

Well-Tolerated: Ketamine is generally well-tolerated when administered in a controlled medical setting. Side effects are usually mild and transient, although some individuals may experience dissociative effects or changes in perception during treatment.

Potential for Personalized Treatment: Ketamine therapy can be customized to each individual's needs, with dosages and administration methods tailored to optimize effectiveness and minimize side effects.

At our clinic, you'll find a warm and welcoming environment where you can feel comfortable exploring your inner world and embarking on the path to healing. Whether you're struggling with depression, anxiety, trauma, or other mental  concerns, we're here to provide the support and guidance you need to thrive.

***We also offer monthly retreats thoughtfully designed to offer a holistic approach to well-being, tailored specifically for nurses, mental health professionals, first responders, educators and veterans! ***



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Ketamine Infusion Therapy

 Discover relief with Ketamine Infusion Therapy.  Our safe and effective treatments offer hope for those struggling with depression, chronic pain, and other conditions. Experience transformative care today!


Initial Consultations can be submitted to insurance.

Cost per Mood infusion is $250.00. Number of infusions will be determined in your indivual treatment plan, usually 6 session loading dose. Chronic pain infusions start at $500.

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